On-line Donations

The aim of the Internet site is to encourage a culture of giving and advocate commitment to the public good in the general community and to raise public awareness that investing in the well-being is the value that enriches every giving individual.

National Foundation for Civil Society Development, wanting to emphasize the need for action in favor of the welfare of an individual in the community, the society and the planet on which we live, encouraged a kick-off and development of an Internet portal ZaDobroBIT.hr.

The aim of the Internet site is to encourage a culture of giving and advocate commitment to the public good in the general community and to raise public awareness that investing in the well-being is the value that enriches every giving individual.

ZaDobroBIT.hr is a virtual place for philanthropic initiatives and actions and it opens the way for innovative ways of financing supporting projects and civil society organizations' initiatives.


Europska zaklada za filantropiju i društveni razvoj je korisnica financijske podrške Nacionalne zaklade u okviru Razvojne suradnje u području razvoja filantropije i zakladništva u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Europska zaklada za filantropiju i društveni razvoj članica je Hrvatskog Foruma za DobroBIT.
Europska zaklada za filantropiju i društveni razvoj članica je Philea-e.