The European Foundation for Philanthropy and Social Development was founded with the purpose of developing philanthropy by providing professional and financial support to philanthropists, foundations and socially responsible legal entities through quality and innovative models of action at the national and European level.

The European Foundation for Philanthropy and Society Development is established with the purpose of developing philanthropy by providing professional and financial support to philanthropists, foundations and socially responsible legal entities through quality and innovative models of activities on the national and European level.

The European Foundation is established at a moment of increased need for the harmonization of the development of philanthropy and foundations in the Republic of Croatia with the growing significance and expectations of the European Union with regard to philanthropy and foundations, taking into account the challenges and possibilities of their development in the context of social development in Europe and worldwide.

Our mission

The mission of the European Foundation is to become an institutionalized European and international center of excellence for the development of individual philanthropy and foundations, as well as a resource center and the place where one can obtain all the information and professional documentation on philanthropy, social innovations and social development, and a place for public discussions on the key issues and directions of social development based on philanthropy, social innovations and responsible governance.

Our Purpose

Professional and financial support to the development of individual philanthropy and foundations in the Republic of Croatia; Participation in the creation of an enabling environment for the development of philanthropy and the culture of giving for the common good; Development of and support to social innovations by enabling the generation of new solutions in meeting and responding to the needs of local communities, and monitoring the implementation of those new solutions with the aim of their potential implementation in other communities; Enabling cross-sector links in the development of philanthropy and social innovations through efficient partnership models developed in European countries; Fostering cross-border financing, cooperation and exchange of knowledge, models and skills, as well as regional cooperation on the topics of the development of philanthropy and social innovations, with special emphasis on the empowerment of philanthropists and foundations in their activities for the common good.

Aur Activities

Promotion and public advocacy of philanthropy and foundations according to the standards of the European Union and the European Foundation Center from Brussels;

Informing and providing support to interested individuals with regard to the development of individual philanthropy and foundations;

Education and training programmes for the representatives of foundations from the Republic of Croatia and the countries of Southeast Europe which will be implemented continuously in cooperation with international and national partner organizations;

Financing of joint programs related to the development of philanthropy and social innovations through EU structural funds and other international sources;

Collection and allocation of financial resources through the implementation of innovative models of activities for the common good, such as online donations on the global level and other inclusive models focused on the development of local communities, in cooperation with specialized international organizations and charity lotteries;

Organization of public discussions on the topics of the development of philanthropy, social innovations and social development;Specialized and interdisciplinary research; Technical assistance and consultations;


Our Target Groups

Target groups and beneficiaries of the European Foundation's activities and programs are:

Individuals interested in embarking on structured individual philanthropy;

Responsible persons and program staff of registered foundations in the Republic of Croatia, on the European level and in the international community;

Representatives of for-profit and non-profit legal entities interested in supporting the development of philanthropy and the culture of giving for the common good;

Representatives of organizations and informal groups who launch and implement social innovations;

Officials in local, regional, and national authorities;

Leaders and managers of development programs for corporate social responsibility of the profit sector.


Europska zaklada za filantropiju i društveni razvoj je korisnica financijske podrške Nacionalne zaklade u okviru Razvojne suradnje u području razvoja filantropije i zakladništva u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Europska zaklada za filantropiju i društveni razvoj članica je Hrvatskog Foruma za DobroBIT.
Europska zaklada za filantropiju i društveni razvoj članica je Philea-e.